Friday 3 December 2010

Ton van ‘t Hof



a love story well maybe not
to flow unobstructed through
but one that's still pretty cool while

some stitches without losing any density

haply purporting to kiss the holy moon

all over its length


a next generation neurally based autonomous road

red reusable plastic fire hydrant

trees nature sound effects wind

clouds? well let's face it we googled some

lovely tibetan endless


giving wisely what
they really want
to grow on happiness hope poems do

autism grass roots
fruit flies toolbox policy

its clean green fun be

a third degree polynomial always

a tic-tac-toe for instance

the tuscan risotto sun

standing rib roast or
going round some corners slower

would your lights dim

not love but then one
way of totally open blue sky thinking



Jenny said...

Such a cool backbeat in the third poem.

Peter Greene said...

totally open blue sky way of thinking-

cool. Thanks for the poems, Ton. They were a pleasure to read.