Sunday 17 February 2019

together outliar

i live alone    but it's all in my head
i'm very ill     but it's all in my head
i'm a nice guy, but that's very much all in my head
my family supports me, but
it's all in my head
not like a dream,
in dreams i am a kind of hero
(details to follow
and i die over and over again
those things are treasures beyond value, every
last breath i wake as someone else,
we all do
it's all in our heads
you're all in my head
when i go it'll be sad to kill you all that way
but it's just for me
i live alone


1 comment:

Jenny said...

"I live 90 per cent of my life in my head." (David Bowie) You´re in good company.

Really good poem. Thanks for sharing.